Built on technology that supports engagement at these schools:

How do you handle alumni engagement?


Are you in technology overload?

You have a module for email, a module for events, a module for content management, a module for maintaining modules...when did it all get so complicated? 


A new way to look at alumni engagement

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AlumniESP provides a modern, easy-to-use communication platform to help you manage and cultivate relationships with your alumni.

If you’ve had a product demo lately, you probably saw hundreds of cool features that no one is actually using. We've worked with enough colleges and universities to know which features matter. Our platform gives you the engagement tools you need, without the rest of the noise.

Have a technology or engagement problem? We want to help you solve it. Technology can help you reach more alumni, but only if it's thoughtfully deployed in a way that helps you accomplish your goals.

Okay, you've been patient. Here they are. The features that matter, wrapped in a layer of customer support and high-fives.

Personalized campus news and events

Provide timely, relevant information designed to keep your alumni connected and engaged.

Drip campaigns automatically publish your content based on alumni interactions to reduce your administrative burden.

Click and view analytics show you what alumni actually read, so that you can refine your content development strategy and focus on the content that matters the most.

Event management features display experiences and events that interest alumni based on their profile preferences. Easily connect events with Eventbrite for all your tickets and registration needs.


Automated newsletters


Deliver a clear and familiar experience for your alumni with regular automated emails.

Email open rate analytics help you monitor unique and overall open rates to insure a high return on your investment.

Social integration makes it easy for alumni to share events and news with their social networks.


Fully configurable alumni database


Collect the information you need, without requiring IT support.

Form builder enables you to design online demographic forms that become part of each user's profile.   

Onboarding surveys can be configured to include open-text responses or radio buttons to help you collect the information you’re looking for. Survey responses are used to sort alumni into different interest groups and send them personalized content. All responses are downloadable into spreadsheets.


Flexible alumni communities


Move alumni from Facebook to AlumniESP and regain control of the conversation.  

Community management organizes all of your alumni without spreadsheets. Surveys automatically place your alumni in different communities for easy outreach. Want to reach your volunteers, major gift givers, or alumni in a certain state? It's just a couple clicks away.

Membership management creates an online directory for your alumni to join the communities they desire. AlumniESP facilitates connections between your members to create a vibrant alumni network.


Modern online giving

Make it easy to give from web, mobile and email.

Integrated campaign content publishes giving opportunities based on alumni interests. Alumni see solicitations embedded in email newsletters.

Pay online easily with a modern look and feel. Alumni can see their giving history and receive reminders for annual gift giving opportunities.


Push-button simple analytics


Easy-to-use reports and analytics give you a complete view of your alumni engagement efforts.

Content usage reports show what alumni actually read, so that you can refine your content development strategy and focus on the content that matters the most.

Email open rates monitor unique and overall open rates to insure a high return on your investment.


Quick implementation

From design to deployment in 3 weeks.  Really.  We deploy our platform based on best practices and your existing alumni engagement structure.

Alumni information system integration is pre-configured with standardized reports that make it easy to involve your IT department.

Import process for alumni emails provides an easy way to onboard your alumni to reach your users as quickly as possible.

It's time to love using technology again.
Sign up for a free 15 minute webinar to see how we can help you!